"A Constant Quest"
To improve the human condition by first doing no harm. Using Physics and Science and their positive effects to help everyone. We seek and we find a way. As we go forward we are joined
by a multitude of different people , sprits and animals. They usually have one thing in common
a desire for the truth. They also are usually lacking one thing as well , greed.
Some might think animals ? Yes , from this years Kentucky Derby winner to your dog or cat they
all need our best effort to maintain their health. They have something we strive for all our lives , unconditional love. 
Is there a cure ? 
I asked a Physicist this and the answer was an immediate YES ! He said science has nothing to do with medical research for there is one disease and one cure. Not thousands "We find the common in degenerative cells and solve it.
Our point here is how far apart this reality is from everyone. Just because he had a 206 IQ and 5 phd's did not make him right. Then he proved it to me then others did as well.
Think of it. Then seek it.

Tesla WellCare

EVERyone and everything is energy